What Meal is this?

So, I know I have been away for a while, and I have lots of excuses, and I might get around to posting them, but for now, I'm just going to begin again with the reason I started blogging...my adorable, independent 18 month old daughter. Every morning for the past week, I have gotten up and taken her into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. And without fail, she has reached into the refrigerator and picked up both the peanut butter and jelly and insisted on having them for breakfast. The first day I thought it was so cute, I couldn't resist, and I promptly made the custom order. The next day I was stunned she wanted it again, but I happily obliged her. Like I said, we are now going a week strong, and she still wants PB&J for breakfast. I always said I would not be one of those moms who makes something different for each person at mealtime, but seeing as I don't exactly make a 3 course meal for breakfast (or any other meal for the matter) I really don't see the harm in obliging her; I mean at least it is healthy. What do you think? Should I save to PB&J's for lunch and ask that she eat the same breakfast as the rest of us, or is it okay to take reasonable requests from a one year old?

1 comment:

Valued & Vulnerable said...

I say make the PB&J. My doctor told me if "all they eat is oatmeal and spaghetti until they are 5 count your blessing that they are eating!" that rule helped me. But if at any moment your making the "specialty" (that sounds funny since we are talking PB&J)becomes an inconvience, thats when a good lesson on "too bad, THIS is what we are eating" can come into play. Until then,happy sandwich making! miss you, bonnie